Science Didactics OPTIKA SCIENCE Apparatus for the study of the central collision OPTIKA SCIENCE OPKSC1113 33.84 VAT excl. Apparatus for the study of the central collision OPTIKA SCIENCE. This classic and elegant apparatus, consisting of 5 steel spheres of the same weight, aligned and in contact with each other, allows the study of the central collision Out-of-Stock View
Science Didactics Cossetània Edicions Univers Hawking (CATALÀ) LIBISBN978-84-9034-743-0 14.33 VAT excl. Stock at Supplier Deliver it 12/19 days Add to basket
Science Didactics Editorial Juventud My first Cosmos book LIBISBN978842614661-8 19.18 20.19 -5% VAT excl. Come and discover with the help of Dr. Albert and Alice what is the BIG BANG, what are black holes and dark matter, how to travel in time ... and much more! Last items in stock Deliver it 7/14 days Add to basket
Science Didactics 4M Weather Science 4M 4M3402 11.53 VAT excl. With Green Science Weather Science from 4M you can learn the science behind different weather phenomena. Create a cloud with the cloud maker, conduct an experiment with acid rain, explore the impact of global warming or build a model of the water cycle. In stock Deliver it 7/14 days Add to basket
Science Didactics 4M Weather Station 4M 4M3279 12.36 VAT excl. With the Green Science Weather Station from 4M you can have a stylish weather station with many functions. It allows you to track weather changes, learn about meteorology and conduct experiments on the greenhouse effect. Once you've done your research, recycle the bottle and create your own mini greenhouse. In stock Deliver it 7/14 days Add to basket
Science Didactics 4M Clean Water Science 4M 4M3281 10.70 VAT excl. With the Green Science Clean Water Science from 4M you can experience how water is filtered and purified. This purification system demonstrates the scientific way to extract salt from seawater. All you need is a glass of water and you have the first step to creating your own desalination plant! Last items in stock Deliver it 7/14 days Add to basket
Science Didactics OPTIKA SCIENCE Basic celestial globe OPTIKA SCIENCE OPKSCHS310 161.12 VAT excl. Basic celestial globe OPTIKA SCIENCE Out-of-Stock View
Science Didactics Editorial Juventud El meu primer llibre de física quàntica (CATALÀ) (CATALÀ) LIBISBN9788426144799 19.18 20.19 -5% VAT excl. LLIBRE EN CATALÀ. Everything around us, trees, stones, light and even ourselves, is composed of very, very, very, very small particles. In this tiny universe, made of matter and energy, strange and surprising laws govern. Start discovering the fascinating world of Quantum Physics with the help of Dr. Albert. In stock Deliver it 7/14 days Add to basket