Science Didactics 4M Weather Station 4M 4M3279 12.36 VAT excl. With the Green Science Weather Station from 4M you can have a stylish weather station with many functions. It allows you to track weather changes, learn about meteorology and conduct experiments on the greenhouse effect. Once you've done your research, recycle the bottle and create your own mini greenhouse. In stock Deliver it 8/15 days Add to basket
Science Didactics Cossetània Edicions Tourist guide of the universe (CATALÀ) LIBISBN978-84-1356-189-9 18.08 VAT excl. Stock at Supplier Deliver it 11/18 days Add to basket
Science Didactics 4M Solar System Planetarium 4M 4M3257 10.33 VAT excl. With the Solar System Planetarium from 4M you can build your own model of the solar system and learn which planets form it and what place they occupy. Paint the planets to your liking with glow-in-the-dark paint. A fun and creative scientific model! In stock Deliver it 8/15 days Add to basket
Science Didactics OPTIKA SCIENCE Atomic and molecular model organic chemistry, teachers OPTIKA SCIENCE OPKSCMM003 71.03 VAT excl. Atomic and molecular model organic chemistry, teachers OPTIKA SCIENCE Out-of-Stock View
OPTIKA SCIENCE OPTIKA SCIENCE Apparatus for electrical conductivity in liquids OPTIKA SCIENCE OPKSC5113 159.46 VAT excl. Apparatus for electrical conductivity in liquids OPTIKA SCIENCE. Out-of-Stock View
Science Didactics 4M Build Your Own Wind Turbine 4M 4M3378 15.50 VAT excl. With the Eco-Engineering Build your own Wind Turbine from 4M you will see how the turbine works by capturing wind energy and transforming it into light!!! This kit will teach children how renewable energy works. In stock Deliver it 8/15 days Add to basket
Science Didactics OPTIKA SCIENCE Glass part for the Optika Science convection movement apparatus OPKSC2058.1 7.73 VAT excl. Glass part for the Optika Science convection movement device Out-of-Stock View
Science Didactics OPTIKA SCIENCE Electric Newton's disk OPTIKA SCIENCE OPKSC4200 69.13 VAT excl. Electric Newton's disk OPTIKA SCIENCE. By activatingthis electrical device, the disk appears white, by the principle of the recomposition of light. Out-of-Stock View