Manual tellurium OPTIKA SCIENCE.It is a mechanical instrument that allows to show and reproduce, to scale, the movements and positions of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, and the relationships that are established between them and that allows to observe basic phenomena for any astronomer or any inhabitant of this planet such as day and night and seasonal changes, lunar phases and eclipses
Manual Tellurium OPTIKA SCIENCE.
A tellurium is a mechanical instrument that allows to show and reproduce, to scale, the movements and positions of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, and the relationships that are established between them and that, therefore, allows to "see" and "understand" basic phenomena for any astronomer or any inhabitant of this planet such as day and night and seasonal changes, lunar phases and eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
It simulates the light of theSun by means of electric illumination and allows the movement at will of the component bodies of the Sun-Earth-Moon system, resulting in a very powerful didactic tool for the teaching of astronomy.
In English, however, the word tellurium refers only to the chemical element with the atomic number 52 The term "tellurium" is used to designate these astronomical models from a Spanishization of the English term "tellurion", which is equivalent to "orrery" (in English "planetarium") and which, in fact, is used in English to name this mechanical device that allows us to teach astronomy in a visual and direct way.
Evidently it is all a derivation of "tellurium" or "tellurium", a chemical element of atomic number 52, whose name comes from the Latin telluris, genitive of tellus, "the earth"', or the "celestial body of mankind".
The total length of our tellurium is 55 cm.
Manual tellurium OPTIKA SCIENCE.