Wall clock with temperature La Crosse Technology WS8006
Wall clock with temperature La Crosse Technology WS8006
Carrier | Description | Estimated Delivery | ||
Home delivery - International | Home delivery - International |
Monday, 6 January - Monday, 13 January |
Home delivery - International
Home delivery - International
Estimated delivery:
Monday, 6 January - Monday, 13 January
Wall clock La Crosse Technology WS8006 is an indoor wall clock specially prepared to be placed on a wall (although it can be used as a wall clock or table clock). Simple and practical, the clock's thermometer will accurately measure the indoor temperature. Thanks to its wide LCD display design, you can easily read this precious information.
Technical features Clock La Crosse Technology WS8006:
Radio controlled clock (DCF77 signal)
Manual time setting possible
Can be used as a wall clock or table clock
Time zone adjustment: ± 12 hours
Alarm with snooze function
Available languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish
Indoor temperature:
Unit of measurement: °C or °F
Range: -9.9°C ~ 59.9°C
Resolution: 0.1°C
Interval: 10s
Power supply: 2 x AAA battery, LR3, 1.5V (not included)
Dimensions: 198 x 28 x 139 mm
Weight: 380g
Wall clock with indoor thermometer La Crosse WS8006
User instructions