Lunar meteorite Bechar 007
Lunar meteorite Bechar 007
Lunar meteorite Bechar 007
Lunar meteorite Bechar 007
Lunar meteorite Bechar 007
Lunar meteorite Bechar 007

Lunar meteorite Bechar 007

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Tuesday, 11 March - Tuesday, 18 March

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Estimated delivery:
Tuesday, 11 March - Tuesday, 18 March


Lunar meteorite Bechar 007

Bechar 007 30°53.62'N, 3°23.7017'W

Origin: Bechar, Algeria

Finding: June 2022

Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia)

History: Initially, lunar meteorites were found by a nomad while grazing in the Bechar DCA, Algeria. Adrian Contreras Gomez (CRATER meteorites) and Carlos Muñecas Muñoz (Expometeorites) organized a search expedition with four locals for 14 days in June 2022 in the area 9.0 km bearing 94.7° from Bechar 003. A large number of pieces of different sizes were found on surface and subsurface.

Physical characteristics: Some samples have a dark colored exterior, covered by wind, and others have the exterior covered by light orange-gray caliche. The cut face shows that the interior has a brecciated texture composed of light colored clasts within a darker matrix.

Classification: Lunar achondrite (feldspathic breccia (A-S2 low weathering)). Based on textures and mineral composition, the sample is a feldspathic breccia.

Specimens: The main masses are in the joint possession of Carlos Muñecas Muñoz (Expometeoritos) and Adrián Contreras Gómez (CRATER meteorites). A thin polished section and several small individuals of 22.01 g are deposited in App.

This piece has been found in the distribution field of new lunar meteorites classified under the name of Bechar, being officially classified as Bechar 007.

Although normally the meteorites coming from the Moon for sale have a very small size, the specimen we offer is a large size and high quality slice of this rare meteorite coming from our natural satellite.

Cut with diamond wire we get a large surface with a minimum weight.

We strive to offer the best slices on the market. Size and quality for a large collection or museum.

Lunar meteorites are very rare, so they represent real wonders of the universe in our hands.

For more technical details about these samples, you can consult the following page:


Lunar meteorite Bechar 007

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