Maksutov SkyWatcher Starquest MAK 90 telescope
The SKYWATCHER Starquest Maksutov-Cassegraintelescopes are the most portable telescopes on the market with this type of optics. They are also ideal for working in confined spaces.
Despite their small size, their performance is high performance. Its high-resolution Diffraction Limited optical system has been multi-coated to maximize contrast and image definition.
This SKYWATCHER Maksutov Starquest comes with a 90mm diameter and is supplied with the robust German equatorial mount.
Whether you use this equipment for terrestrial or astronomical observation, this compact telescope is the ideal companion.
The mount supplied with the telescope is notable for the following general features:
- The two axes of AR and DEC are able to rotate 360° freely.
- With very good stability.
- The crown and worm gear system offers great performance thanks to the 122-toothed crowns on both axes.
- Mount load capacity: 3Kg.
- Mount weight: 1,2Kg
- Dimensions: 14x8x22cm
- Tracking motor can be purchased as an accessory to follow the stars in real time.
- Aluminum tripod included.
Technical Specifications:
- Optical Design: Maksutov-Cassegrains
- Diameter: 90mm
- Focal Length: 1250mm
- Focal ratio: F/14
- Maximum useful magnification: 180x
- Magnitude limit: 12.5
- Resolving power: 1.3"
- Finder: Red LED pointer light
- Focusing diameter: 1.25"
- Diagonal prism: 90º (included)
- Eyepieces: 10mm and 20mm (subject to change by manufacturer)
- Mount Type: German Equatorial
- Slow motion controls: on AR & DEC
- Tube made of: Aluminum.
- Counterweight: 2.1 Kgs
- Piggyback support: Yes
- Accessory tray: yes
- Tube weight: 1.37Kgs
- Tube dimensions (diameter x length): 10cm x 24cm
- Tripod height: 67-119cm
- Weight of transport box: 14Kgs
- Carton box dimensions: 85.5 x 40 x 28.5 cm
Maksutov SkyWatcher Starquest MAK 90 Telescope