List of products by brand Astronauta Lili

The Astronauta Lili is a fun and entertaining science outreach project that will delight the little ones at home.
The Astronauta Lili is a fun and entertaining science outreach project that delights the little ones of the house. The character of the Astronauta Lili is an intrepid adventurer in search of knowledge and that exists both in book and digital format and in physical person, developing scientific shows throughout the Spanish geography. I like space since my father taught me as a child to look beyond through his telescope. He used to tell me amazing stories with which I learned many things. I was fascinated by the idea of traveling and discovering new worlds. Ever since I can remember I have liked to share and teach others what I knew. I believe that the basis to make a better world is to share knowledge. Astronauta Lili combines her two great passions (space and teaching) and is dedicated to it professionally. Astronauta Lili has been trained in acting and different performing arts. She has traveled around Europe to take different courses in non-formal education and children's creative process. She has researched and tested new ways of bringing knowledge closer and continues to work every day to innovate and promote accessibility. The mission of the educational project Interplanetary Journey is to bring the knowledge of the Universe and space exploration to all audiences, using the latest technology to make the knowledge of planetary sciences more accessible. Within the project, various actions, activities and workshops are carried out, the pillars of which are innovation, accessibility and the visibility of women in science and technology. The Astronaut LiLi's Science Show is just one example of how we manage to awaken interest and fix knowledge. The objective of the Interplanetary Journey project of the Astronauta Lili is to awaken in the youngest the interest in studying science careers and create female referents so that girls and boys feel that each one can be whoever they want to be. We continue pursuing our dreams, learning about planetary sciences and everything that has to do with space, creativity and the Universe. Everything we learn we share with you Less
Interactive Book: Discover...
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