List of products by brand Orion Optics UK

Orion Optics UKtelescopes Orion Optics UK, store Orion Optics UK best price and delivery in 48h. Official distributor Orion Optics UK

The high quality standards of Orion Optics UK and precision engineering coupled with the use of highly technological materials ensure that their products are among the best on the market. At Orion Optics UK they pride themselves on having some of the best optical technicians in the world on their team.

The optics of Orion Optics UK are widely recognized worldwide, since the optical treatments applied are superior to those applied by most manufacturers. For example, apart from being specialized in the manufacture of Dall-Kirkham or Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes, where they stand out the most is in the manufacture of the best Newton telescopes in the market, offering the possibility of having mirrors with wavefront perturbations of 1/6 PV (Professional Grade), 1/8 PV (Research Grade) and even 1/10 PV (Ultra Grade).

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Newton VX12 10PV 300mm f4 Newton VX12 10PV 300mm f4 optical tube
Newton VX8 10PV 200mm f4.5 optical tube Newton VX8 10PV 200mm f4.5
Newton VX10 10PV 250mm f4.8 optical tube Newton VX10 10PV 250mm f4.8
UltraNewton CT8 f4.5 UltraNewton CT8 f4.5 optical tube
UltraNewton CT10 f4.8 UltraNewton CT10 f4.8 optical tube
UltraNewton CT12 f4 UltraNewton CT12 f4 optical tube
UltraNewton CT16 f4 Optical Tube
Dall-Kirkham ODK12 optical tube
Dall-Kirkham ODK16 optical tube
AG10 astrograph tube
AG12 astrograph tube
AG16 astrograph tube
Optical tube Mak OMC140 OTA
Maksutov-Cassegrain pipes

Deliver it 50/57 days

Mak OMC140 OTA De-Luxe OMC140 OTA De-Luxe optical tube
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