Third Edition of the FIELD GUIDE TO THE MESSIER AND CALDWELL CATALOGUES. The last book published by the popular amateur astronomer Joan Manuel Bullón Lahuerta. New expanded and updated edition August 2022. and now with 220 observation cards!
Field Guide to the MESSIER and CALDWELL Catalogs by Joan Manuel Bullón
The MESSIER AND CALDWELL CATALOGUE FIELD GUIDE by Joanma Bullón is the most complete guide written in Spanish about the observation of the Messier and Caldwell catalogs, ideal for astronomical telescope owners who wish to develop a passion for visual or photographic observation of the deep sky.
The guide is structured in five chapters, although its foundation are the 220 cards of each Messier and Caldwell object distributed in groups of five per page, where the observer has a visual presentation of how each object is observed through binoculars and telescopes. In addition, an atlas in eight charts shows the location of the various constellations in both hemispheres of the Messier and Caldwell objects, as well as numerous NGC, IC and other objects.
In addition, this field guide is completed with an ambitious project, as has been the compilation of 400 more objects in a catalog that the author has called Ultra Messier, which, inspired by the Messier Marathon, aims to observe in each month of the year about 400 objects of the Messier, Caldwell and Ultra Messier catalogs visible throughout each night, in order to break the hermeticism of always observing the same known objects.
Along with all this information to carry out the observations, the guide aims to introduce the novice observer to the dynamics of the objects that populate the sky, being a guide also for the initiation to astronomy. Some final pages are dedicated to the vision of the Milky Way from various parts of the world as a universal right to be able to contemplate a starry sky free of light pollution, which is the claim of this guide to raise funds for the campaign"Lost Horizons versus Dark Skies".
Telescopiomania, has participated in the edition of this book in order to contribute its small grain of sand not only to the dissemination of astronomy among all amateurs but also to contribute to the awareness of the importance of keeping the skies dark. Undoubtedly, this book, will be of great help to amateurs of all levels and almost mandatory for those who buy their first telescope.
Technical characteristics:
- Year of publication: August, 2022
- Author: Joan Manuel Bullón
- Book illustrated in all its pages in full color
- Number of pages: 120
- Format: 30x22cm
- Structure in 5 chapters
- 220 observation cards!
- Indicative contents
- Canadian spine with worm for practical use as a field guide.
Field guide to the MESSIER and CALDWELL catalogs by Joan Manuel Bullón